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e-Commerce B2B

Trade between companies


e-Commerce B2B

What is B2B e-Commerce?

B2B e-commerce is business-to-business commerce, it describes online order transactions between companies.

Because orders are processed digitally, purchasing efficiency is improved for wholesalers, manufacturers, distributors, and other types of B2B sellers.

Why sell through a B2B e-Commerce platform?

As new generations gain purchasing and managerial power, their preferred method of purchase (e-commerce) will outpace traditional purchasing processes. In general, B2B customers want their B2C comforts to carry over.

Also, the B2B market is worth more than double in annual transactions compared to the B2C market.

Recurso 17

Update the Commercial Strategy

A B2B e-Commerce will allow you to rethink your entire business strategy, adjust to new market demands, be available at all times and retain your customers.

A sales channel available 24/7 365 days a year

It is clear that the ability to serve customers in a traditional way is very limited, under this premise is that the model becomes expensive. To overcome this it is clear that you must think about making a change in the B2B sales model that operates 24/7

Omnichannel and increase the average sale per customer

Adopting a modern digital strategy brings with it omnichannel, which is the integration of all the current sales channels of the company.

Strategic value of the B2B model

With the passage of time, legacy structures age and become outdated, with which it is most likely that they will not be able to satisfy customers due to their limited capacity to adapt to trends, as well as to the buying behavior of customers.


Benefits of a B2B e-Commerce

There are many benefits at the operational and commercial level that an organization can obtain by implementing a B2B e-Commerce platform

Costs reduction

Companies that sell to other companies face a greater challenge compared to those that sell to the end customer, since business customers are more sensitive to price and customer service, thus, they face a greater challenge of how to decrease your costs in business management.

Improvement in inventory management

The optimization of the cost structure is not simply making cuts, but on the contrary, it is looking for a way to do more things, but spending less

Catalogs and product list

In order to stand out in the current scenario, it is necessary to generate savings in sales management since this will not only help us to guarantee an increase in profit but also in competitiveness, since the company can offer more competitive prices to the market.

Better customer service and higher customer retention

Implementing a new sales model through a B2B e-Commerce platform presents many opportunities to increase sales and better retain customers.

Greater Productivity of the Commercial team

A modern and versatile platform will allow you to put vital information at the fingertips of your sales team so you can reach more customers and close deals more efficiently, all without having to increase your current talent pool.

Content generation

Newer solutions support more efficient content creation, another way that platform modernization lowers operating costs by streamlining content creation and publishing.


How to implement a B2B strategy?

Icon B Process

Follow the basic steps

Work on the 6 basic steps that will allow you to put together the business plan, with all the considerations

icon strategy

Support the proposal

Understand how to support the proposal

Icon PRM

Find an expert

Seek the accompaniment of an expert implementer

Get to know the new B2B sales model

A B2B model will grow your business

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Every company needs a Customer Experience Strategy!

Start with Customer Experience Design as a methodology to improve your processes, business models and value proposition. Once the CX process is defined, automate the process through a Customer Experience Architecture.