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Customer Experience Design

Offer customers a great experience and they will buy more, they will be more loyal and share their experience with others.

Customer Experience

Build long-lasting relationships with your customers

Customer Experience Design

Customer experience design is centered on building and improving strategy, process, products, services and tecnology that meet customers' expectations and are easy and intuitive for them to solve their problems.

The Customer Experience is measured not by individual objectives of the departments of a company, it is an integral process that must include from beginning to end all the departments involved in the value chain. This integrated process must be automated, generate valuable data for the business and be measured to improve the experience.

Your Customer Experience Design (CX) is your great differentiator. To meet the demanding customers expectations, you must take advantage of business best practices, adopt smarter processes and take advantage of the best technologies in Customer Experience. Imagineer is here to help you with the best technologies and methodologies to achieve it. 

Partner Experience Design

Employee Experience Design

Digital Experience Design

Digital Transformation of the Customer Experience

Imagineer Digital strategy provides you with the support to succeed and grow.  The Digital Transformation process can help your organization reimagine how to innovate, operate and engage with customers, employees and partners using world class technologies to deliver new business value.

We help you accelerate the building of new experiences in a technologically-focused, digital-enabled environment through the best technologies like Salesforce, Hubspot, Liferay, Magento, Tableau and Redhat BPM & BRMS.

Customer Commerce Experience

Create unique business moments at each point of contact with experiences integrated into eCommerce platforms

Customer Relationship Management

Implementing effective Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies can improve Customer Experience at all levels.

Customer Journey Maps Strategy

A Customer Journey Maps Strategy allows you to create a visual representation of every experience your customers have with your business. This strategy helps improve business processes, customer processes, improve technology platforms and adopt better methodologies to communicate with the customer.

Customer Inbound Marketing Strategy

The Inbound Marketing Methodology is the most effective way to market and generate lead conversions in the digital era since it focuses on generating traffic through online platforms such as social media, blogs and search engines.

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Customer Journey & Customer Process

Customer Journey helps businesses gain insights into common customer pain points, how they can improve the customer experience, and define what customers, and prospective customers, need in order to complete a purchase.

If you are trying to build a digital transformation ecosystem, It’s not about buying a technology and saying that we have a 'digital transformation platform.' It’s about changing the way people think understanding your needs through business processes and business rules focused on the Customer Experience.

Customer Journey Maps

The best way to visualize how a customer interacts with a business is by mapping it. By understanding this relationship, you can understand how to structure your touchpoints to create the most effective and efficient process for your customers.

A Customer Journey Map maps out the current process, from the first to final touchpoint, to see if your customers are currently reaching the goals and, if not, how they can.

Customer Process Management

Customer Process Management enables organizations to align Sales and Marketing  functions with customer needs, and helps executives determine how to deploy, monitor and measure company resources.

When properly executed, Customer Process Management has the ability to enhance efficiency and productivity, reduce costs, and minimize errors and risk

Customer Process Improvement

Customer Process Improvement is an effective methodology for improve Marketing, Sales, Service and Commerce business process, using best practices like DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control), SIPOC (Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers) or As-Is/To-Be Analysis. 


Omnichannel Customer Relationship Management CRM

Frequent flyers expect airlines to know their seating and route preferences. Retailers are expected to make relevant product recommendations based on shopping habits. Today’s empowered consumers demand services according to their individual preferences whenever, wherever and however they interact.

Omnichannel CRM is at the very core of your efforts to enable new brand strategies, integrate the latest technologies, and keep up with new Customer Experience trends. Provides a positive Customer Experience before and after the sale, in order to drive repeat business, customer loyalty and profits.

Know more about Digital Experience



Customer 360

Marketing and sales executives need a 360° view of customers, to better serve and deliver the right solutions, at the right time to the right people.

Single Customer View

Share information with internal and external teams, departments and stakeholders that can manage complete processes, through an Omnichannel CRM where the information is the same, regardless of the user or the department.

Customer Insights

An Omnichannel Strategy allows you to analyze data to take advantage of new sales opportunities, manage highly effective marketing campaigns, and retain customers with personalized service.

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Customer Experience Process

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Sales Automation

Get the deep customer insights you need to make an impact in every deal – anytime, anywhere.

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Marketing Journey

Deliver contextual, individualized customer experiences across all channels and make every customer feel like your only customer.

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Commerce Experience

Provide a personalized digital shopping experience with our solutions for mobile, social, and e-commerce.

Customer Experience Design

Become a Customer Experience Company

They trusted us!


Every company needs a Customer Experience Strategy!

Start with Customer Experience Design as a methodology to improve your processes, business models and value proposition. Once the CX process is defined, automate the process through a Customer Experience Architecture.