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Web design

Web design is much more than a simple visual presentation of your online business. It is the introduction that captivates your visitors and invites them to explore everything your company has to offer. At Imagineer Customer Experience, we specialize in creating web designs that go beyond a mere visual presentation. Stay at the forefront of the industry with Growth-Driven Design methodology.


Stay at the forefront of the industry

Growth-Driven Design Methodology

The Growth-Driven Design (GDD) methodology is designed to ensure that your website is always evolving and in line with the latest trends. With GDD, you can continually and dynamically adapt your website, leveraging new opportunities that arise in the market. This methodology allows you to make changes in an agile and efficient manner, as it is based on constant data and analysis for making strategic decisions. 

Building on World-Class Platforms

In the competitive digital world, excellence begins with a strong foundation. At Imagineer Customer Experience, we understand the importance of building websites on world-class CMS platforms. Why settle for less when you can have the best digital infrastructure?


Liferay is ideal for companies looking to build complex web portals, intranets, and online communities. With Liferay, you can easily manage content, collaboration, and customized services to deliver exceptional digital experiences to your users.


This Content Management System (CMS) offers a complete range of tools for creating and managing highly scalable and customizable online stores. With Magento, you can optimize product management, payment processes, and the shopping experience, driving the success of your online business.


HubSpot is a comprehensive solution that combines website creation with marketing and sales tools. With HubSpot, you can create and manage content, automate marketing campaigns, and track user behavior to boost lead generation and conversion. It's an ideal choice for companies seeking a complete digital marketing platform.


Benefits of a High-Quality Website

A well-designed and efficient website not only attracts attention but also creates an experience that captivates and converts your visitors into loyal customers.

Credibility and trust

A professional and well-designed website inspires confidence in visitors, which can enhance the perception of your brand.

Visibility and reach

Good SEO and an efficient structure help your site become more visible on search engines, attracting a broader audience.

User Experience

Smooth navigation and quality content improve user satisfaction.

Conversions and revenue

Intuitive navigation, relevant content, and appealing design can motivate users to take action, whether it's making a purchase, filling out a form, or subscribing to your services.


User Experience (UX)

UX is the cornerstone of an effective website. Imagine a site where navigation is seamless, information is easy to find, and interaction is intuitive.

At Imagineer, we don't just build websites; we create memorable online experiences. We know that exceptional UX can make the difference between a casual visitor and a loyal customer.


We start every project by delving into the minds of your audience. We conduct thorough research to understand their needs, desires, and online behaviors. This allows us to design an experience that resonates with them.


Continuous optimization is key to excellent UX. We conduct comprehensive usability tests to identify areas for improvement and continuously adjust the design to meet the changing needs of your audience.

User-Centered Design

Our teams are user-focused. We create intuitive and attractive interfaces that make navigation a pleasure and guide visitors toward desired outcomes.

Inbound 2-1

Stages of website construction

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Planning and Design

The first stage in creating a website is Planning and Design, where the project's foundations are established, a roadmap is charted, objectives are studied, and the audience is researched. A structure is created to reflect the brand's essence and define the visitor's experience, including visual design and intuitive navigation. This stage is the initial step toward an effective and memorable online presence.

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Development and implementation

The Development and Implementation stage turns ideas and designs into a functional and attractive website. Developers build websites, incorporate necessary features and systems, optimizing site performance for an exceptional user experience. This stage is essential for connecting the initial vision with the online reality.

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Launch and maintenance

Once the website is designed and developed, it is meticulously checked to ensure optimal performance. After a successful launch, a maintenance plan is established to keep the site up-to-date, secure, and effective in the long term. This marks the beginning of your online presence, ensuring your website is a valuable and successful tool for your business or project.


They trusted us!


Every company needs a Customer Experience Strategy!

Start with Customer Experience Design as a methodology to improve your processes, business models and value proposition. Once the CX process is defined, automate the process through a Customer Experience Architecture.